So the latest NCRB data of suicide rates are out. Total 153052 people committed suicide in 2020. Details are visible in the photo above.
In all suicides 71% we're men, like other countries in the world. But do you see any attempt from the government or just a public recognition of the deceased men? No, because
- It's not profitable.
- It's not cool.
- It's not in fashion.
- Talking about male suicides doesn't get you votes or boost your sales.
- Men's lives are cheap maybe for people in power.
The number of male suicides is rising every year but despite continuous efforts from men's rights activists these deaths remain as mere numbers in the tally.
People make fun of these deaths forget having any support from society and the government. Even ex-union ministers have also said, "If men suffering let them suffer".
But there's another kind of people who are more dangerous than the kind of people mentioned earlier.(2006 Devil's Advocate with Karan Thapar)
— Men’s Day Out (@MensDayOutIndia) December 16, 2020
🔹️Domestic Violence Act was worded in a way where innocent Men & their families could have no defense#MenToo #SpeakUpMen #GenderBiasedLaws @narendramodi @AmitShah @rsprasad @smritiirani
This particular kind of people put guilt in men for things they never did and later trap them into that guilt, basically pussyfying men. Once you got control of the mind you can make them do whatever they want.
They act as friends of those men who are suffering from mental trauma, false cases, or violence. Their brainwashing is so subtle that the majority of men can't see through it and end up being pussified, male feminists.
One classic example of such victim-blaming & gaslighting is this-
Some people of this kind are heavily funded, organized & influential. So one can just imagine the amount of damage they are causing to men & masculinity. Let me give you one such example.
This NGO receives funding from Canada- the global hub of woke feminists to spread hatred against men in India & of course pussyfy men. When Arnaz Hatiram, founder of Men's Day Out called them out on Twitter- the co-founder of that NGO @saharsh267 ran away locking his account.
So @saharsh267 is Co-Founder of @mavamumbai
— Arnaz Hathiram (@ArnazHathiram) October 31, 2021
MAVA gets sponsorship for their activities frm some Canadian fund
This is how HATE FOR MEN is spread in 🇮🇳, external pressures demand overnight change in laws, leaving several Men,their families (including women) TO DIE@narendramodi
His Twitter profile isn't that big but such kind of people has a strong ground presence & manpower, thanks to the unlimited funding they receive from outside. Starting an NGO related to women's issues is highly profitable these days.
Last year that male feminist wrote an article on men's day on a news portal & according to that feminist
Men's Rights Activists are misleading people with NCRB SUICIDE Report & there is no proof that Men die because of Women.
Am not going to talk more about that piece of garbage he wrote. That's another good example of victim-blaming & nullification of the facts or argument given by your opponent.
Such kind of people with pathological hatred & fragile egos will always turn the discussion subtly in a way that at the end victim will start feeling guilty for the trauma, abuse he had to go through. Time has come to save men & masculinity from such kinds of people. Start with things that hurt their fragile ego & business the most. For starters
Never entertain the bullshit of such people and never let them go without a confrontation.
No Testicles No Opinion
Male feminist falls in that category as they don't have any male organ.
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