Do voluptuous women seduce their son-in-law? Mothers ruining their daughter's life.

A woman is a woman first, then she is a mother, daughter, sister etc. A woman can be jealous of her daughter if her daughter is having those pleasures which she could not get in her life. There can be several reasons behind jealousy, however, it mainly strikes when her daughter has more sexual pleasure.

These days the society is experiencing lots of cases wherein mother in law is getting pregnant by son in law. In some cases it was found that woman tried to seduce her son in law and on refusal she brainswashed her daughter and sent the man behind the bars. The daughter would never understand that it was a conspiracy against her by her own mother to make her file fake cases against her husband which will further lead to permanent separation.

It is advisable for all married women to keep these things in mind to keep her married life happy, otherwise her happy family could be destroyed any point in time by her carnal mother.

Check Some Recent Incidents-

1.50-year-old women elope with 25-year-old son in law.

2.42-year-old woman married 22-year-old son-in-law in Bihar.


Bodhisattwa Roy

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